Wednesday, September 21, 2016

        Now that our class has met for a few weeks, we are in the middle of Homecoming Week.
The various classes gave their yells and cheers today at a rally and games were played that had everyone laughing. Imagine watching your teacher propel themselves across the gym floor on a little cart with a toilet plunger and relaying with another teacher, as they furiously plunge across the gym floor.
        Everyone is excited about the great sports being played at KHS, from the winning volleyball and soccer teams, and on to the football and other sports teams. The students are innovating and contributing to classes. They are helping each other and working hard!

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Wednesday September 7th-
We are getting to know each other and find what works best to accomplish our goals. The students in study skills wrote letters to themselves and made notes on goals they wish to accomplish this school year.
In Math, students are working on pre-assessments to gauge their progress, and in Social Studies we've  begun to study ancient civilizations. In English we are reading and practicing sentence writing, leading to further growth. In Science we will be studying physical science topics such as space and time, matter and change and forces and motion. We will also be discussing energy in all of its forms.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Contacts for me

My contact information:
Room 237
Kelseyville High School
     The educational team in Room 237 is excited about beginning a new year for 2016-2017.
We are excited to meet all of the new students this year! Ellen Karnowski and assistants will be working with the students to get them excited about their learning, and to behave responsibly and with respect toward others.
     We are planning lessons in Science, Social Studies, English and Language Arts. Bringing new ideas to the students to get them excited is our objective. Supporting the students with blogging about their experiences and new learning is a way to help them reflect on what they are learning, so this page could be a model. As we get to know the students more, we will deliver instruction in a mode that most appeals to them. As a teacher, I care about all aspects of learning and the "tone" or feeling of the classroom is very important. Students and their learning will be respected, and we expect the same in return.
     We hope that students have spent time reading over the summer. A good way to report out on what they have learned or read about is to write their own blog. While writing, they are reflecting upon what they have learned and finding out what the point of view was, and what the main ideas were. Writing and sharing is a good way to give and get feedback.